Dua to remove heart tentions and pain

Posted on 04:56 by Unknown


Almost every person is tensed.And many people got into heart problem,and than become severe heart problem.
This is the little AMAL or Dua that will remove your tensions and with the regular doing of this Amal INSHALLAH heart Patients will also get relief.
You must have to strong beleif that my reading this you are begging infront of ALLAH and you Will surely get Shifa with the name of ALLAH.

یَا اللہُ  یاَ رحمنُ  یاَ رحیمُ  دِلِ  مَا  رَا  کُنۡ  مُسۡتَقِیۡمۡ
بِحَقِّ  اِیَّا کَ  نَعۡبُدُ  وَ  اِیَّا کَ نَسۡتَعِیۡنۡ
Read 11 time darood shareef f=befor and after this dua and read this dua for 11 time than blow on your.. INSHALLAH you will get releif.

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